Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 4--Letters to Matt From Family Members

Dear Matt,
Two people baptized? Wow.  Thanks for the letter, it helped.  I think that there are different levels of faith, I was talking about a lower level, and you were talking about a higher level.  Or maybe I was talking about belief, or hope.  What I still don’t get is the faith is a gift part.  Why is it a gift?  What does it mean if you have the gift of faith?  Doesn’t everyone have the gift of faith, to some extent?  Anyway, Miriam and I went to DECA state competition.  We got third and qualified for Nationals.  Nationals are in Anaheim.  We’ll be going to Disneyland for a couple of days and a Los Anglos baseball game.  It should be really fun.  I tried out for the one act play that we’re doing for region.  It’s called Eiffel Tower Wedding.  I’ll find out if I got the part tomorrow.  The term’s almost over.  One more term and we’ll be out of school. Yay.  Anyway, sounds like it’s going well for you.  We’re all praying for you.
P.s. Have you thought about souvenirs?  

Wow Matt,
The arch, the way cool arch!  It IS COOL!!! and it brings back memories.  I went Scuba diving not far from that arch.  Cabo is sooo pretty!  Key Daily asked about you today in church.  Today Miriam, Mom and me were all in the same Sunday School class.  So the science fair was cool, the little boy spoke English really well so I don't know what everyone was so excited about.  They were short judges so they just wanted me to be a regular judge too.  There were so many cute kids who had worked so hard. well one kid hadn't.  He wasn't happy to be there.  So Vic is done with Chemo and Radiation treatments, I hope his cancer is better.  I have my boss evaluating me this week.  I hope that goes well, everybody has to be evaluated so it's not anything special.  Do you remember the TV show Pawn Stars?  It is my favorite show...anyway we are going to Grandpa and Grandma's for Spring Break  and I thought, why not take an extra day stay in Vegas and have a Pawn Stars Vacation Tour.  Go and visit the Pawn Shop, go the the Clark County Museum where the guy is that they always bring in, go to American Restoration.  Sounds silly I know, but I would really love it.  Well, I love you, I am glad to hear about your two baptisms.

Last week, Katrina and I were able to compete in the State DECA competition (DECA is a business and marketing club). We placed third in the financial services category, which means we are moving on to nationals at the end of April. They’re in Anaheim this year and we get to stay in the Disneyland hotel! It’s pretty exciting . Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it. For my birthday, Preston and I went out for lunch, went to a movie, went to the Springville art museum, went to Barnes and Noble, went shopping, had cake and ice cream at home and then went to Nickel Mania. It was a fun day! I’m not sure how Preston feels about a mission. He has a four year contract with the Marine Corps so I don’t know. I hope you have a great week!

Dear Matt,
Miriam sounds all nice in that letter she wrote but don’t buy it, haha. So This week I start performing the play and I am pretty nervous I hope that I do good, by the time that you receive this I will be done with the play though and you can ask me about how bad I messed up haha. Lately all my life has been going to play practice and that’s it so there isn’t much to tell you.

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