Saturday, March 2, 2013

Feb 25--Email from Matt

a picture of that one arch thingy that everyone loves... I have no idea why...

Dad, That is great! I know that you really like helping other people improve their work status and knowledge. As for poverty stricken.... well, we don't see that as much, that's more out-side of the city. THere are a lot of nice homes here and I wouldn't be at all suprised that they belonged to movie stars. well, there you go, that's just another way that your mission is blessing you. Now you get to sit there and do nothing for a few hours haha, no I'm sure that you will like it.

Katrina, I sent you an e-mail explaining what faith is, strangely enough, I studied faith this morning so I was very prepared to answer your question. I think that will be your email for the week, you should share it with your teacher and see what he thinks about it.

Miriam, as you said it takes two to get married, so if one person says no, there you go! haha, well, I hope that you have a fabulous birthday! What did you do? (I ask that because by the time I hear from you, you will have already celebrated) .

Thomas, Thanks for your letter bud, haha Did anyone get mad? So I heard that you had an awesome concert this last week, tell me about it!! :)

Ok, I have been thinking this for a little while so I'm just going to write it. You all remember Peter from the New Testament? Remember how he kept on denying Jesus and deserted him after his death to go fishing? What changed? Why did the people beg to be lined on the streets in hopes that just the shadow of Peter would pass over him? He changed from a luke warm disciple to an apostle that the Hosts of Hell feared.
His whole life changed when the loving Savior asked him a question: Do you love me? He answered, ''Yes.''
The Savior asked him again: ''Do YOU love ME?'' he answered ''Yes.''
Again: ''Do you LOVE me?''
and then he chose, he decided, he changed.
''Then feed my sheep.''
Finally he put the will of the Lord above his own, he didn't worry about the opinions of men, or his personal needs, he recived the commandment of the Redemer of the world and acted based upon that commandment.

When are we going to make that decision in our own life? When are we finally going to see the things as they really are? Do we have a testemony or no? If we do, what are we waiting for?! If God is real, then he knows better than us. There are one million excuses to say ''no'' or that ''I don't have time'' but, they aren't true. You have to realize that in the long run, the things of this life don't matter. Well, I hope that can help someone... I love you all! 2 People are going to be baptized this week.

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