Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20 2012--Dear Elder

Dear Elder,

We got a letter from you yesterday.  Hooray!!!  What a great surprise.  Why did you have to go to Vegas to get your Visa?  Is that common for missionaries going to your mission?  Thanks for letting us know your exact departure date.  We need to get you a phone card because I hear that you can call us from the airport.  That would be pretty cool!  Don't worry, we can still write you letters with Dear Elder when you are in Mexico, although they will probably come weekly instead of daily.  As for packages, you'll probably even get a few of those on special occasions.

Wow, I had no idea that we had your shoes.  I thought you had them all, but, yes, I found them and we will send them.  But what's this about a back scratch-er?  Is it a joke?  We had one for years and no one used it, so I think I chucked it.  I don't even know where to buy a back scratch-er, but I will definitely look for one.  If your back is itchy, I know how to get rid of that because I suffered with a itchy back for years until I took Katrina to the dermatologist for rashes, and I asked him about it.  So, here's what do.  When you shower, your skin soaks up water, so when you get out of the shower, pat your back dry so that it's not dripping, but there is still water on it, then rub lotion all over it.  The lotion traps in the moisture and gets rid of the dryness and you stop itching after a few days.  I know it's hard to rub lotion on your own back, but you can do it.  Hope this helps.  We'll try to send you lotion, too.

You are so right that I like listening to Sheri Dew speak.  She is so awesome!  Every time I hear her talk, I get inspired.  I'm so glad you got to see her.  Did she give a good talk?  Of course she did!

That was so nice of Sarah to send you Thomas's Facebook post.  I hope you have been able to write to her and to other people.  Did you get the email addresses that I sent? 

Just think, in 12 days you will be flying to Mexico!  It's so exciting.  I was talking to Sister Tuckett and she said Jared struggled a bit when he got to Nicaragua because most of the missionaries spoke Spanish and he didn't and it was kind of lonely for him.  Things got better, though, and he's doing well.  I don't know if you will feel that way, but I think it's good to have a heads up about it.

Yesterday Dad and I drove to help get Jon established there.  He is now moved in to his apartment.  I hope things go well for him and that he can start working soon.  I also hope that he likes his roommates.  Yesterday he said his one room mate never even left his room.  Not good.  I hope today is better.  We really enjoyed helping him out and eating lunch with him and going to Walmart with him.  It is a looooong drive, but Dad and I had fun seeing the beautiful scenery and visiting with each other. 

The reason I even got to go with Dad is that Elizabeth came to take care of Grandma.  She brought her kids and they hung out.  I hope they kind of had fun, because it was really nice of her.  It gave us peace of mind to know that if Grandma woke up, she would get a drink and some food.  Lately she hasn't been waking up till around 4 pm, and that's when she finally woke up yesterday.  So Elizabeth was here from 12 to 4 and Grandma didn't even wake up till 4.  Anyway, Elizabeth took care of her at 4 and I really really appreciate it.  She even cleaned the kitchen and living room!  I owe her big time.

I got to talk to Katrina on the phone yesterday.  She says she really likes her roommate and is enjoying EFY.  She has seen Thomas a very little bit and I asked her to give him the phone next time she sees him and have him call us.  I sure hope he is happy, too, and that we hear from him today.

Miriam went to a work party last night.  It started at 9:00 pm.  Dad was so sweet.  He let me go to bed at 9:00 and he put Grandma to bed alone and picked up Miriam at 11:00 pm.  I actually got 8 hours of sleep last night.  It feels so good!  Miriam said the party was boring.

This morning Dad and I got to Skype with Cassandra and Lily.  Boy was that fun!  We heard Lily say "Good Girl" and "Pooh Bear" which both sound exactly the same.  She is also into sticking out her tongue and saying "La la la."  She isn't even scared when her big hairy Grandpa makes silly faces and loud noises at her.  Cassandra says that they are doing good and that Emerson will be getting off of work at 4:00 for awhile.  I bet that will be nice.  I am so glad we got to visit with Cassandra and Lily!

Here's what I learned from studying Preach my Gospel this morning:  I need to study diligently with all my mind an heart, feasting on the word of God.  When my mind is unoccupied, I don’t want it to seek for thoughts of the world and rest them there.  I want it to delight in the things of the Lord and seek them and actively ponder them. If I do this the Holy Ghost will help these things sink deeply into my heart and enlighten my understanding.  I need to delight in the word of god and live it.   One way for Christ to abide in me is for His word to abide in my heart.  

Well, did I ever mention that Dad has the week off?  He does.  So I think we'll go on a bike ride this morning since chances are that Grandma will be sleeping.  I could really use the exercise.  Well, I take that back, Dad just checked on Grandma, and she's awake so I have to go feed her.

I love you, Matthew.  I hope you have the best of days.  We will get you stuff soon.  Please let me know what else you need. 


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