Friday, April 19, 2013

April 15--Dear Elder From Brian and Kids

Again, Katrina asked me not to post her letter, but in it, she talks says she is almost ready to finish reading the Book of Mormon for the sixth time.  She also talks about having fun at her friend's party where she danced a lot.
Hey matt,
So the cactus incident was there was a cactus and it looked fluffy. Dad said not to touch it but it was fluffy and there weren’t any spikes on it. So I grabbed it and picked it up and showed it to people, nothing was wrong until I dropped it and looked down at my hand and saw that my hand was fluffy too. The fluffy stuff was a million little spikes and they were in my hand, so I got some tweezers and started pulling them out and that didn’t work so I got tape and wrapped my hand in the tape and pulled the tape off. It worked really well even though it hurt to push all the little spikes deeper into my hand. I’m sure you could make some spiritual analogy about that right? Haha anywasy this week I had a track meet and I got third in the long jump, I got 15 feet 10 inches, it was pretty cool and I did well on the high jump, I got to 5 feet and almost had 5 feet 2 inches but I choked and didn’t make it. Anyways that all I have been up to.

That's good to know about quesadillas. I'm getting licensed for State Farm to be able to quote and write insurance policies. It's stressful! How are things going for you? I'm doing okay. I'm just ready for school to be over and for Preston to be back. Have a good week!


Dear Son,

I loved what you said about the overweight girl, funny you say that because I have been thinking for a while about how God must view us and what God thinks of us and how he values us.  On earth, it is all about appearances and we assume that  in heaven we will all be beautiful and look perfect.  I started to wonder if God doesn't see beauty in those terms, but rather sees ones thoughts and actions as beautiful.  I tell my students that all women are beautiful and all men are handsome, the only ugly things about us are in the things we do or how we treat people, so lets all do good things and treat each other well.
Matt, you have some wonderful insights into life, I am so grateful that you are my son and that you are on a mission and get to share the gospel full time.  I  pray for you night and day.  I feel that your service is blessing my life and the lives of your brothers and sisters in both your family as well as in Mexico.
I love you son,
Love, Dad

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