Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 8--Letter From Brian to Matt

Dear Son,
I am also happy to hear about your successes and struggles and everyday life.  It is wonderful to be able to talk to people about the gospel.  There was a gentleman on the plane yesterday that had MS that I was sitting next to.  When we got our snacks I was so focused on seeing how many carbs were in the snack that I didn't realized he was asking me for help opening his packet of cookies.  I felt so bad.  Then later he asked me what time it was and I was able to talk to him.   We then had a nice conversation about things and he asked me to hold my arm across his chest when we were landing because he doesn't have any upper body strength and would go flying forward.  It was so nice to be able to help him.

Mom and I were able to talk to another man on our next flight and he had a lot of nice things to say about Mormons.  it was fun talking to him, mom does such a nice job starting conversations with people!

Right now I am sitting in a hotel room in Cocoa Beach, FL, I can see the ocean out of our Hotel Room.  We board the cruise ship in two hours!  Of course seeing the ocean is no big thing to you! since you have been living by it for almost a year now!

So this week we will be in the sam country!, Costa Maya and Cozumel, so if you have some time you can run over and see us! ha ha.  Thanks for the photos.  Hey, I think that Preston got ordained an Elder!  He graduated Marine Corps Basic training and is  now an official Marine. Also Miriam passed her test to be licensed to sell insurance.

I was so tired of working in the Jail, I didn't mind the students but I just hated being locked up!  I really did!  I mean, I cant get out of even the classroom unless someone else lets me out.  I just don't like it.
Well, I am sorry that the kids probably wont write you this week.

I sure love you and we will write you next week for sure!
Again, I love you and am so proud of you and all that you do.

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