Sunday, February 19, 2012

Caring for Sally

We are busy these days getting Sally’s house to rent and keeping her comfortable and happy in the care and rehab center.  We also are constantly dealing with the insurance company who denied her any physical therapy after she left the hospital.  We appealed the denial and won the appeal, but they continue to deny us every week or so.  This last week, our appeal was also denied, and now we have to make a second appeal.  It is a process meant to wear us out and make us give up.  Most other insurances automatically give 100 days of rehab, but Sally has bought the worst insurance available; all the social workers say so.  It is Blue Cross/Blue Shield Med Advantage.  Still, Heavenly Father continues to comfort me, and I try not to worry about that end of it; Brian and his siblings are doing a good job of taking care of things.  When Sally does leave the care center, she will be living here with us if possible.  We are willing to take care of her, but want her to have as much physical therapy as possible before she comes so that she can have a good quality of life for the rest of her days.  Is that too much to ask?

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