Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brian the Hero

Yesterday Brian, Thomas and I went on a 15 mile bike ride.  It’s really amazing that we were able to do this considering that we weren’t decked out in word-covered spandex or weird shoes you can’t walk in.  Heck, we didn’t even have padded butts.  I personally wore jeans and flip flops.  I didn’t even wear a tank top.  Ha ha.  The ride started at the trail head up in the canyon, went through the canyon past the falls, then through town and ended up at the lake.  We had a great time except when my handle bars got loose and kept getting looser.  Brian tried to fix them, but the bolts were the type that needed a hex wrench, so his attempts to tighten them and shim the bars didn't work.  I kept riding with them way loose until we got out of the canyon and to a convenience store where he bought a screw driver which was the closest thing they sold to a hex wrench. Unfortunately, the screwdriver was too big.  This didn't stop my resourceful husband from fixing my bike.  He rubbed the screwdriver down on some cement until it was the right size, and tightened the bars.  My hero!    They were fine for the rest of the ride.  We’d parked one car at Elizabeth’s house, so at the end of the trail we turned off and rode to her house which made the distance just about 15 miles.

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